5 Must-Have Materials for Seamless and Efficient Construction Progress

Construction has become a lot easier and quicker over time. The evolution in the construction industry has led to the production of materials that have boosted the entire process, thus improving the quality and duration of the construction. From using online estimation tools such as a composite decking calculator to GPS mapping software, every construction process step has become easier and more accurate.

Whenever we are planning to build a house or anything, construction material is what we are concerned about the most. It is vital to focus on the quality and type of material used to increase building lifespan. To make the construction process seamless and efficient, the following five materials are widely preferred:

Recycled Steel:

Deforestation has become an alarming problem for the planet. An average timber frame house requires 40-60 trees for its completion, which has a significant impact upon the environment. Construction companies prefer to use recycled steel which might be equivalent to six scrap cars, for completion of an average house. Besides, steel can withstand earthquakes and high wind pressure a lot better than wood. And is fire retardant, a real concern in large parts of the Pacific Coast. Therefore, recycled steel is an eco-friendly yet excellent quality option for the construction industry.


Due to the harsh weather conditions in summer and winters that have stemmed from global warming, construction companies opt for solutions to keep homes safe from the elements. Using insulation sheets on the roof can help to keep the indoor temperature regulated. Since we look for energy-efficient solutions, many electricity costs can be saved if roofing is done correctly. Also, the coloring technique is done to keep the houses cool during summer. Coloring the roof white reflects 80% of sunlight.


Lumber is the name given to sawn wood processed specifically for construction. Treated and aired before use, it is strong, plentiful and relatively cheap. This said, with global prices increasing and customers becoming more eco-conscious, the purchase of lumber for construction has seen a slight decline. However, the lumber industry in North America accounts for over a million jobs in felling, processing, supply and construction and so it is unlikely that it will ever be fully replaced by an alternative.

Structural Insulation Panels:

Structural Insulation Panels (SIPs) have become quite popular over the past few years. They are used for the construction of roofs, ceilings and floors. They are a potential replacement for traditional construction materials. They are also fire-resistant, making them a great and efficient option for construction companies. They are highly durable and energy-efficient panels. As far as the appearance is concerned, you can give them the finishing look of your choice.

Vacuum Insulation Panels:

As the name suggests, vacuum insulation panels (VIP) use insulation by creating a vacuum. They are considered mandatory insulation solutions and will become a vital part of construction materials used to complete residential or commercial buildings. These boards are easy to install and are highly effective since nothing can pass through the vacuum except for heat. They are reliable and provide long term insulation from harsh weather conditions.

The longevity of a building depends on the construction material that is used. The more innovative materials are, the more durable and energy-efficient buildings will be. However, it is important not to forget that each building material has its positives as well as its drawbacks.  Choose the material which best meets your geographical needs and design requirements. Make sure you do thorough research before choosing to avoid any unnecessary delays or costs.

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